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  1. Sign up form
  2. Feedback form


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  1. Kick-off Presentation
  2. Participants Spreadsheet
  3. Shared Group Doc


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  1. Invite
  2. Reminder
  3. Kick-off
  4. Check-in
  5. Post-program email



  1. Sign up form
  2. Feedback form


  1. Invite
  2. Reminder
  3. Check-in
  4. Post-program email


  1. Kick-off Presentation
  2. Participants Spreadsheet
  3. Groups shared doc

  1. Invite

    📧 Email

    Hi {first.name},

    Want to make it to the end of this course? Yes? Good! I want you to get there, too. But even more than that, I'd love for you to meet other folks who can support your growth.

    We're kicking off an accountability group program and we'd love you to either 1) join a group or 2) lead a group. You don't need any kind of special experience to lead a group, we'll walk you through every step.

    Sign up to join or lead a group by XXXX, and get closer to your goals together!

    💬 Forum or chat post

    We're kicking off an accountability group program! Sign up to join or lead a group by XXXX, and get closer to your goals together!